AMC Service


AMC ( Annual Maintenance Contract )

Comprehensive service contract includes spare parts, service charges, transportation cost, any work to be done. In short, the responsibility to keep the system in good working condition, regardless of any factor, performed by customer or any natural disaster for which we charge accordingly.

Annual Maintenance Service provides seamless support online and on-site

Non- Comprehensive

ASC ( Annual Servicing Contract )

A non-comprehensive service contract covers only those services which is mentioned on the agreement where we do not charge for our services or transportation. Any other expenses that arise during the maintenance process are borne by the client which includes spare parts, repairing charges of spare parts.

Our best part is Timely Service On-call Support Immediate Action

On-Call Support

On-call support for technical guidance or problems is a part of our job. This helps customers to get uninterrupted & seamless work experience. Often the service is also provided by remote desktop software for backend support of any kind of technical problems.


On-Site Service

On-site support is the technical assistance that's offered on by visiting physical premises of an engineer, consultant, or other IT personnel. The most asked & loved support by our customers.

Our pricing plans

AMC Services prices are tailored according to the frequency of service requirements for various clients. This pricing plans are a try to meet the service requirements for every client on every segments. The pricing may vary upon setup or system covered under AMC.

BASIC setup


16ch Full Setup Free service

Schedule checkup every 90days

Standby against RMA available

Anonymous visit on-call

Free on-call support 24*7

Classic setup


32ch Full Setup Free service

Schedule checkup every 90days

Standby against RMA available

Anonymous visit on-call

Free on-call support 24*7

Premium setup


64ch Full Setup Free service

Schedule checkup every 90days

Standby against RMA available

Anonymous visit on-call

Free on-call support 24*7

Exclusive setup


64ch Full Setup Free service

Schedule checkup 3 days in a week

Standby against RMA available

Anonymous visit on-call

Free on-call support 24*7